Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Why Yemen is in crisis?

Why Yemen is in crisis? What is the reason behind this war? Who is fighting in Yemen? These are the few questions that are raising in thousands of people's mind every day.
This is all what happened in Yemen.
Conditions were not too good in Yemen before 2015 in Yemen there was a conflict before also but In March 2015 there was a new flame for Yemenians.When Saudi Arabia get involved in the crisis with his coalition.
Yemen is the poorest County in Arab Region.
After the revolution againt dictatorship in middle east. Yemines wanted change like other countries in the region.
Public forsed the president Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down and transfer the power to the deputy president Abdrabbuh Mansor Hadi.
When hadi came in the power he was failed politically and the conditions got worst. There was Unemployment, food insecurity, suicide boombing and separatist movement in a south part of country. In Yemen war there are two man groups.
1. Houthis 

Houthis are the political Shia Rebel Group & Peoples that are loyal with their former President Saleh.
2. The Yemeni forces under the President Hadi. 

In 2014 Houthis forces takeover Sana City which is the largest city and the Capital City of Yemen. The is still not over now in 2015 the Houthis and Saleh's Loyal groups tried to take the control of whole country and Hadi moved to Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia was also looking the situation very carefully because Yemen's largest border is connected with Saudi Arabia the the Shia Houthis can be a big danger for him and it can be a risk of Iranians foothold with the border.
But Iran denied any involvement in Yemen. Now Saudi Arabia made a military alliance and started air strikes on Houthis shelters which resulted more than 10 thousand peoples killed and almost 3 million peoples homeless.
Saudi Arabia wants to get back the country from Houthis and restore the Hadi's Government. But still battle is not over Sana city and north area of Yemen is still under the control of Houthis. In this situation Alqaida and ISIL affiliates seized south parts and trying to take over the governments controled cities.
In this war innocent civilians are man victims, Infrastructure is completely destroyed and Yemeni public is suffering from Cholera due to the lack of food and garbage which is spread all over the areas which are under houthis control. 
Most of the Yemenian population don't have access to the clean water.
War is still not over. 

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Afghan War a History

Afghanistan is a well-known Asian country which is attacked several times by the Superpowers of the time like Soviet Union, Great Britain, United States and NATO.
But history shows that Afghan nation is
Undefeat able nation.

In 19th century Afghanistan was attacked by British India two times. Once in 1st Anglo-Afghan war 1838-1842 and the second time in Anglo-Afghan war 1878-1880.
Both time the reason was the Russian influence. That time Afghan tribes get united and defeat the world super power.
2. Soviet Union 

In December 1979 Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan for the support of communist government during the conflict with Muslim Guerrillas in Afghan war 1978-1992. But Soviet Union Suffered 15,000 Dead and a lot Injured. After nine years when Soviet General Leave he said
There is not a single Soviet Soldier or Officer left behind me our nine years war is over.
3. America and NATO 

In October 2001 The United States and NATO attacked Afghanistan with the name of "Operation Enduring Freedom"
Now after 16 years war is still on-going the the Longest war inthe history of America.
In 2013 An American University Estimated that America lost $4 to $6 trillion in only Afghanistan and Iraq War. 

Monday, 9 October 2017

WhatsApp Business

Mostly Awaiting "WhatsApp" for Business 
is being tested by a Group of testers. 
Acording to news "WhatsApp Business "
Will be stand alone Application with a change in its logo. In WhatsApp Business in the logo Call 📞 symbol will replace with "B" 
Acording to The Wall Street Journal
"We do intend on charging businesses in the future. We don't have the details of monetisation figured out," WhatsApp's Chief Operating Officer Matt Idema was quoted as saying.
However, after downloading, the app looks the same as WhatsApp, barring the title bar that says "WhatsApp Business".
New WhatsApp Business application will be equipped with new features like Auto Response, A business Profile, Chat Migration and analytics.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

A brilliant tribute to India

A group of Pakistani students paying a tribute to Indian Government and their Peoples. [Funny ☺️ just for Entertainment] Dont Mind 😉. 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Nokia Smartphones will get update to Oreo 8.0

Nokia Smartphones will be update to the latest version of Android 8.0 Oreo.
HMD decided to upgrade Nokia phones to latest Versions of OS.
In order to keep your phone up to date you can use Linage OS. This new updates will be available at last of the year. 

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Some time its better to move on

Some time is better to move on instead of being the only one who's willing to fix things. 

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Do you know how many words you are using daily life and you don't know the meanings of that.?

CCTV Camera
Close Circuit Television Camera
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Digital Subscriber Line
Local Area Network
World Wide Web
Virtual Private Network
Media Access Code
Joint Phographic Experts Group
Graphic Interchange Format
Universal Serial Bus
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